Debian is distributed (mirrored) on hundreds of servers on the Internet. Using a nearby server will probably speed up your download, and also reduce the load on our central servers and on the Internet as a whole.
The authoritative copy of the following list can always be found at: The map below shows the approximate locations of these mirrors based on a geolocation approach using the IP address of the mirrors. The accuracy of this GeoIP based approach varies a lot; it will normally get the country correct but sometimes that is all. To report inaccuracies in the GeoIP database, please contact the database provider.
Available maps
The same mirror data is available in two different interfaces:- Debian mirror map on OpenStreetMap with mapping provided by OpenStreetMap
- Debian mirror map on Google Maps with mapping provided by Google Maps
Primary mirror | |
Secondary mirrors | |
Both Primary and Secondary mirror |
MirrorMap developed by Stuart Prescott
and released under the GNU GPLv2 or later.
(git repo)